Deep Blue Gear was created in answer to the specific needs of resort operators in the Caribbean. The result was a unique design concept for rental diving and snorkeling equipment - the first of its kind within the industry.

Deep Blue Gear's developers applied their 35 years of combined experience in the recreational diving industry and came up with a durable, functional line of rental products, which were soon hailed as the products of choice.

The staggering response to Deep Blue Gear's rental line has led to the development of our line of retail diving and snorkeling equipment.

Deep Blue Gear's current product line offers something for everyone - from the resort operator to the seasoned diver or novice snorkeler. The same thought and attention used to develop our celebrated rental gear has been carefully applied to our current product line.

We wouldn't have it any other way.

We're out there every day, talking and listening and making notes. We're on top of what the industry needs, and we're continuously adding to our product line to meet those demands. The Deep Blue Gear website is updated regularly to keep you informed of new and developing products, so visit us often.

Contact us if you'd like more information. We'd love to hear from you.